40000 Sumy, Ukraine

Execution options

Some style options that can be chosen in bulk order

Bravo Wood Holding offers various options for the execution of our tabletops, which can meet the demand of any of your customers. Each variant is unique and requires a different production time. Also, the cost of each is different. When placing an order, you must indicate in what execution each tabletop should be (in addition to all other parameters – size, shape, quantity, coating, etc.).

Natural (no filler)

Cracks, knots and all voids stay unfilled, cleaned and safety detailed.

Standard (wood filler)

Cracks, knots and all voids filled with wood-colored or black filler – special solid putty.

Combine (epoxy filler)

Cracks, knots and all voids filled with epoxy resin. Epoxy could be transparent or colored.

Monolith (full epoxy)

Surface of tabletop fully covered with 1-3mm transparent or light-colored epoxy resin layer.

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